E-cigarette: it helps with smoking cessation
Although it increases the overall amount of nicotine absorbed, the electronic cigarette could help reduce smoking and even wean as long as it is often used. The e-cigarette is used by vaporizing a flavored e-liquid, with or without nicotine. Any smoker who does not find medications to quit smoking would be well advised to try the e-cigarette offering the vaping alternative for smoking cessation.
The coaching approach: getting rid of smoking
Many smokers try to quit smoking several times without success, hence the interest of referring to a coach to completely get rid of smoking. The coach will advise you to take the time to ask yourself and think about the purpose of your smoking cessation. It will help you find your own sources of motivation in the benefits of stopping smoking. The coach’s job will not stop when you stop, he will continue to accompany you with his anti-relapse advice.
Stopping smoking and sleep
Nicotine substitutes stimulate the body and cause sleep disturbance, that’s why stopping smoking can help you get back to a quality sleep, forget the difficulties of falling asleep and the night awakenings.
Quitting Smoking and Health
As soon as you quit smoking, the lungs begin to clear mucus and smoke residue, breathing becomes easier, bronchial lashes grow back, the risk of heart attack and lung cancer decreases.
Stopping smoking and digestion
After you quit smoking, the digestive system returns to normal functioning in a month and a half on average. The intestinal transit also regains a normal rhythm that might lead to heartburn or constipation.